Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Excuses, excuses!

Okay, so some of you may have noticed that I have been seriously slacking in my blogging lately. Well, I guess it's time to come clean about why! BABY ON THE WAY! Yes, we are expecting #3 and #3 is making me very tired and very sick. I guess it's time for me to pay my dues since I wasn't too sick with either of my other pregnancies, or it's been long enough now for me to forget if I was. All I have to say is, thank goodness for grapefruit and english muffins.

The girls couldn't be happier about the baby, they ask me every day if it's time for the baby to come. I'm 11 weeks, it's going to be a long 7 months!


Jen said...

Yay that is so exciting! Congratulations. Sorry you have felt so sick, maybe it's different because it is a boy?

Chelsea said...

Yay!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I think that it's a good thing we forget how sick we get, or there wouldn't be a lot of babies! Hope you start feeling better soon. You have the cutest little girls, I can't wait to see the next one!

TJ said...

felicitations!! maybe you're having a boy if you weren't sick with the girls. or twins???:)

Paul and April said...

Congrats that is exciting news! I love english muffins. That was a fave of mine when pregnant. I wonder if it will be girly number 3 or perhaps a little Justin? What are you hoping for?

Jillyn said...

Marj? just kidding! I just remember her telling me she could only eat grapefruit when she was pregnant with Kev...
Congrats congrats! We are so excited for you! I guess Joey isn't going to be the baby anymore! (thankgoodness!)

Polliwog said...

Hooray for you guys! Maybe you'll have my luck and get a third girl (at least I will be safe from scouting!)

I hope you feel better soon.

Sarah Walton said...

Lanie! That is so exciting! Congrats! that's funny cause I totally craved grapefruit and english muffins when I was pregnant too.

ATT said...

sis, it better be a boy.

the child family said...
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the child family said...

SO exciting, Lanie! Do you have an official due date? I can totally appreciate grapefruit and english muffins. I craved the same things with Arlo. And lime popsicles. Congrats!

jordan said...

congratulations you guys!I hope you get feeling better. morning sickness is the pits, but totally worth the little bundle of joy it brings!

Becca said...

Congrats, Lanie! That is so exciting, and Kevin and I are so happy for you. You are the cutest mom~hopefully the morning sickness won't last for too much longer!!!

MegaPPod said...

Congrats Laney (& Justin)! I am just sorry that you won't be playing with the Leftovers.

MegaPPod said...

Ok. Sorry for misspelling your name Lanie ; ) Isn't there a way to retract my own comments?

Jenny said...

Congrats, Lanie!! That is so very exciting. We are very happy for you, Justin and the girls. Funny thing - I've been eating English Muffins like crazy too! :) That and grapes. Gotta have fresh grapes. Hope you feel better soon!!

Jillyn said...

Oh what! I totally sent you and invite you are on my list of people signed in to read it! And you have commented on it!
Oh by the way THANKS for the card and pictures. We put them up on the wall and Joey walks over and talks to them every day! She misses her cousins!

Emily said...

Lanie I am so excited for you! I hope you feel better soon. Let me know how #3 goes. I am scared to death to have #3!! Congrats....

Kristi said...

I'm super excited for you!!! So, in case you didn't read my blog for awhile, I'm due with #2 on 9/24. Your due date is within a couple weeks, isn't it??? Yay!!! I was actually wondering this the other night and should have been keeping up on your blog!!!

Julia said...

Wow Congrats! I'm positive your girls are going to LOVE having a new sibling. You know I heard a thousand things about being sicker=a boy or girl or vice versa. Truth is all 3 of my girls were SO different when it came to being sick or well or what I craved. We just never know until we get to see the ultrasound. I'm so excited for you!

Christine said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations!!! That is so exciting.I wonder if it will be another girl?? I have been slacking on my blog too...

Shelly said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so excited for you!! I wonder how beautiful your next child will be? You guys have set a really high standard already. Have I ever told you what a beautiful family I think you have? I miss you guys!

Bills said...

Ok so as you can see I'm a little late but, congratulations. I have not been keeping up on my blog reading and just read yours. I'm so excited for you guys!