Monday, September 3, 2007

Our Little Girl is All Grown Up . . . kind of!

Our little Abby is starting Kindergarten tomorrow! I know, I know, it's a bit pathetic to get all sentimental about kindergarten, but she's my little girl and it seems like yesterday that she was 2 months old (see above pics). She is all ready, princess backpack (not my fault), dry erase markers (for kindergarten?), glue sticks and knee highs. Mom on the other hand is a bit emotional about the whole thing. I think I'll pull through but tune in later during the week for the update on the big day. Happy Labor Day, hope you all celebrated by not laboring at all :)


Sunny said...

Oh Daddy Baby! What a little bug! So many memories attached to that little face. I can still see you in the back of relief society with a six-week-old Abby standing straight up on your lap and jumping like mad. Has she changed a bit?

Good luck tomorrow. When Adam started, I remember feeling like kids go to school too young, like I hadn't prepared him for the world. But times change, and the start of this school year was marked by much excited anticipation on my part and a back-to-school celebration brunch with a friend. Hooray for two kids in school all day!

Anonymous said...

What darling baby photos! Kindergarten feels all grown up to me too. How does the time go so fast? Paul begs our girls each year to just stay the same age. If only...
Your girls are so beautiful... just like you!

TJ said...

i cannot wait for my son to go to kindergarten!! his bday is two weeks too late to get him into the preschool here on post. so sad.....