Thursday, December 18, 2008


So, we are pretty into surprises in our house. This comes from Justin. I love surprises but I can never wait for them and I was always a "peeker" growing up. The girls love to be surprised and for the past 2 years have not asked for anything for Christmas. They say they will love whatever Santa wants to bring them. I love that about them. They do always love whatever Santa brings them. This year though has brought a new challenge. When we asked Emma what she wanted for Christmas she told us that she wants us to be surprised and that's why she is only telling Santa what she wants. Hmmmm . . . 


marissa said...

You are in trouble now!! Now is the time to tell your kids that you have to give Santa a really big list and he chooses what to give you!

PADA said...

Good Luck with that one. Let us know how it goes. By the way, have you been peeking???????

Emily said...

Oh no! Maybe you can do a little bit of reverse psychology and get her to spill the beans. Good luck! Have a Merry Christmas. Davis is adorable. I love his name.