Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Farewell Old Friend!

For those of you who have been with us through the drama of the Jeep over the past 8 years of our marriage, you will really appreciate this. For those of you who haven't, it's still a good story. We have loved our Jeep. It has seen us through many camping, biking, and family road trips. It's taken us to the top of Mt. Logan and across the country to San Francisco and Portland. It's weathered the winter storms over the Sierra Nevadas. It even survived the Portland Arctic Blast of '08 and narrowly escaped the tree that fell in our front yard only a few short weeks ago. The Jeep has also been towed at least 4 times since we moved to Portland a year and a half ago. It's been in mechanic shops all over the west coast. It has squeaked and screamed and smoked it's way through life. But it has ever remained faithful until the fateful day of January 9, 2009 when it went out in a blaze of glory. 

Justin drove it to work on Friday morning. All was well. I met him Friday night for a work party and when we left the party that evening, we were met with this. (see below) Between the time Justin left the Jeep at 7:00 a.m. and returned at 8:30 p.m. an electrical fire had all but consumed the interior of the Jeep. Ah, how fitting. The best part is that Justin looked at me later that night and said those all too common words, "I think we can fix it!" Not this time. It is on it's way to the U-Pull it junkyard where it will finally be laid to rest, never to be fixed again . Goodbye old friend, you will be missed . . . sort of.


Anonymous said...

What are you talking about Lanie, it TOTALLY looks fixable:) Ha! I love the last photo, it looks like Justin's crying.

acte gratuit said...

That is hilarious!

But it's pretty pathetic that while your car was going up in flames, no one bothered to call anyone or do anything! Sheesh!

The Winns said...

This is a story that will be told to your grandchildren! :) I still can't believe it.

Mandy said...

Good bye old green jeep. Did I ever tell you about the time Michael and I got caught by the cops when we were parked in the jeep? We were just talking. I swear.

Chelsea said...

BWAHAHAHAHA!! The best part is when Justin wanted to fix it!! What a guy!

mama bear said...

Oh my gosh, how scary! I can't believe that old Jeep made it as long as it did. And, I'm so glad you weren't in it when it burst in to flames.

Marni Bown said...

That is crazy. My hubbie is like that too. We live too close to Home Depot.

Anonymous said...

You guys are lucky to be alive! HOLY COW! So now what?...

marissa said...

This is the greatest story! When does a car actually start on fire on the inside.....while parked at work for the day. Classic.

Emily said...

Oh how sad! Justin's comment sounds just like my husband. He too can fix anything!

Kristi said...

THAT is crazy. I'm so glad you guys weren't in it and that nobody got hurt! Holy cow. I still can't believe he drove that to work that morning! Yikes!