Friday, January 8, 2010

It was one year ago today . . .

. . . that our trusty (ha ha) old Jeep went up in flames. We actually kinda miss the thing. Justin still thinks we could have saved it :) May it rest in peace (and pieces).


PADA said...

Did you have a commemorative party for the "old faithful" jeep? The best part was that it started and was driven out of the parking lot. Sorry I missed it.

Julia said...

Wow, those are quite the photos! I had to laugh at your keys blog. What is the obsession with toddlers and keys? I learned with child number 1... When in doubt ask your toddler.

Oh, and I saw that new American girl called Lanie. Your famous... She looks just like a little you & she's an outdoor girl. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the inspiration for her creation.

mama bear said...

Oh wow, I had totally forgotten about that! Hey, let's be neighbors again!!