Sunday, April 27, 2008

To Learn About Oneself . . .

It's amazing how much I can learn about myself from my girls. Apparently I must have had a hard week because this was our conversation tonight.

Me: Okay girls, what should our goals be for this week? (we set goals on Sunday night)
Abby: Doing what you ask without saying "no". (All said with a bored, annoyed look on her face.)
Emma: Going potty when you ask and not being grumpy. (Same goal for the last 8 weeks)
Me: Okay, what should Mommy's goals be this week?
Abby: Don't be grouchy anymore! (Rolled right off her tongue like she didn't even need to think about it).
Emma: Do yowa (your) haya (hair) a little pwettier!
Abby: Don't be sick anymore!
Emma: Don't be grouchy anymowa (anymore)! (wait, didn't we already say that)
Me: Okay, okay, that's enough goals for me this week. What should Daddy's be?
(long silence) . . .
Abby: Work really hard at work.

Looks like Justin already has it made. Apparently, I am a sick grouch with bad hair.

If you need to learn anything about yourself, just ask your kids. But be prepared for a way too honest answer.


Jen said...

Kids say the darndest things. Don't feel bad though, I have sympathy for anyone who is pregnant, it is hard work to grow a baby!

Mandy said...

What exactly does Emma want you to do to your hair? I think it always looks great. Mine could be pwettier, though.

PADA said...

Don't you just love the honesty of children? Wait until they are teenagers and then have this same conversation. Be sure to post that one on the blog. By the way, you are always beautiful and rarely grouchy. And I love your hair. Wanna trade?

linda said...

I can't imagine you were grouchy... and your hair? It always looks quite nice. I think kids should be glad we aren't as honest with them as they are with us!

The Winns said...

Aren't kids wonderful? Pregnancy is rough on everyone. They are lucky to have such a wonderful mom!

Jillyn said...

OH Emma! That is really too funny! Don't worry Lanie I think your hair is really pretty already!

Jen said...

Okay that is funny! I miss your girls so much - you too! We need to chat! I think I am too afraid to ask my kids such things!

TJ said...

i think you were grouchy maybe twice in the two months we were together. and not once did you "do" your hair, but it always looked good!! (i think we even talked about that) those are some good goals. i'll work on the grouchy one before i think about my hair.:)

Kristi said...

That seriously cracks me up! :o)

jordan said...

I just had an experience the other day pretty similar.
Ryder said "mom you have a fat tummy."
Matt said "no she doesn't", the good husband he is.
Then Ryder said "Just look at it!".

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it!! Aren't kids great.

acte gratuit said...

Awesome. Come on Lanes, you've gotta clean yourself up! I, for one, never let anyone see me until I'm fully make-uped and coifed!

Michelle said...

Too, too funny Lanie. Miss you guys! Was just doing a little blog-surfing and found your link on Tannya's blog. I hope all is well!