Friday, February 20, 2009


I'm sure that some of you can relate to this. I have a husband that thinks he's pretty funny. I will admit it, I am a super jumpy person. I get startled so easily and most of the time it just takes Justin walking in the door from work to scare me. Well, about Halloween time Justin found a new way to scare me to death. The rat. I've honestly never seen anything uglier. I don't know where he found it but one day it showed up under the sink and when I went to get the dishwasher detergent, I very nearly had a heart attack. I should have thrown it out while I could. Since then the girls have grown attached to the rat. They won't let me throw it away and I don't have the heart to do it when they aren't looking although I know I should because . . . the rat keeps rearing it's ugly head at times when I least expect it and most of the time now, it's the girls that are the instigators. Everyone is against me!


The Winns said...

That thing IS ugly!

acte gratuit said...

That really is cruel and unusual.

Once Doug put a plastic alligator in our microwave which was at eye level. When I finally opened it to nuke something I almost had a heart attack. Another time he put the same stupid thing in the ice cube maker so it fell into my cup but I didn't notice until I took a drink.

Those boys think they're soooooo funny!

Mandy said...

Don't give Michael any ideas!

Linda M said...

I had a rat family of visitors in my basement. They got into my flour, sugar, pasta, and ate the labels off of cans, to say nothing of the other evidence of their presence. My dead rats looked better than that thing.

Kristi said...

That would kill me. Holy cow!