Friday, February 13, 2009


I have been looking at pictures of the girls when they were babies and I'm thinking our kids are all related, whadya think?

Davis 4 months

Emma 2 months

Emma 2 months

Abby 2 months

Abby 2 months

I can't believe they were ever this little!


Craig said...

Yeah! I think they are related. Of course you already know that I think that Davis looks like your girls. These pictures are adorable. I need to come and hug these kids, don't you think?

Marni Bown said...

Look at his dimples. You have such a cute family.

Chelsea said...

Oh, they are gorgeous! You have such a beautiful family.

PADA said...

That comment from gpa was actually from me. I was viewing from his site. You probably could have guessed that, though.