So I realize that this next series of posts, describing in excruciating detail, our amazing, beautiful, off-the-charts trip to Chicago, will probably not be all that interesting to anyone but us. But I am self-indulgently going to recount all the details for my own sake so that I will never be tempted to forget this wonderful week. So feel free to tune out if you find this oh so boring!
Justin had yet another blessed conference last month. This time in Chicago. So, for the second time this year, we left all our kiddos in the care of beloved grandma (this time the Wilkinson one) and we headed out to the Midwest. Words cannot describe the fun I had on this trip. I think Justin had a really good time too and learned a lot of useful things in his meetings. I just think it might have been a different kind of fun than I had :) Before we left I bought the GoChicago card and this ended up being the best decision ever. It included pretty much every thing you could see or do in Chicago. And I did every single thing I could physically cram into each day. It saved a ton of money, not only on admission and ticket prices, but also because I didn't spend a lot of free time shopping on the Magnificent Mile. Just a little . . . I had to go into the 5 story Crate and Barrel and the 8 story Nordstorms, that would be a tragedy to miss. Our hotel was right on the Magnificent Mile, which was perfect because I could walk almost every place I went. I put in a lot of miles that week but then I could enjoy the deep dish pizza even more at the end of the day. And we had sunny beautiful weather EVERY DAY. It was a miracle. Okay, so . . . Day 1.
We started out the trip with this view of Mt. Hood. Oh, how I love my Oregon!

First thing I did on our first day was go to the top of the John Hancock building, directly across the street from our hotel. It is really tall! This is the view from the top.

Chicago's Gold Coast

Since I was sightseeing by myself, I had to ask a lot of strangers to take my picture!

The beautiful Wrigley Building, on of my favorites! Did you know that Wrigley started out selling baking soda and would give a pack of gum to anyone that bought some. He realized that everyone was buying it for the gum and decided that he should just start selling gum. Good move, eh?

My picture reflected in "the Bean" sculpture in Millenium Park.

I spent most of the first day at the Art Institute of Chicago. Amazing art museum! One of the highlights for sure. Lots of famous art (like this sculpture by some dude named Picasso:) and amazing views of the city.

These "Thorne Rooms" were one of my favorite exhibits. This is an actual miniature room behind the glass and all those paintings and chandeliers are real, but tiny. There were 68 rooms like this. The girls would have loved this part!

Lake Michigan

Starting out on a Shoreline Cruise out on Lake Michigan.

Navy Pier (obviously)

That night Justin and I stopped by the American Girl store. That place is crazy! It's huge, complete with a doll salon, restaurant, doll hospital and 2 floors with every doll and accessory you could want. We had to get a picture by the Lanie doll. Looked more like me when I had blonde hair.

That night we ate at Gino's East Pizzeria for some Chicago style deep dish. It was great. There was a lot of cheese. I don't know that either of us felt that great after, but the "during" was yummy.