Friday, September 3, 2010

Are you kiddin' Me?

Where, oh where have these been all my life! Must be eaten directly out of the freezer. And yes, they will ruin your dinner. Maybe for 3 days in a row . . .


Sunny said...

Dangit Lanie! I did NOT need to know about this! Good thing we’re getting into winter with lots of bulky layers of clothes.

mama bear said...

Why oh why did you have to tell me about these?!

Alix Bryant said...

Hey Lanie, I've been lurking on your blog for a while now-- Your family is darling. Anyway, I'm totally addicted to these little bits of heaven myself and I don't share with my kids...

Mandy said...

And you didn't even save one for me . . . .

Karen said...

Those would never last for 3 days at my house.